We are here to support and advise you throughout this difficult time.
We will advise you of all procedural and legal requirements relating to your own circumstances. We will guide you through all the details, discuss all the options and choices available and work with you to arrange a funeral that is personal to you.
For some, a simple funeral is all that is required whilst others prefer a more elaborate service.
We will meet with you to arrange the funeral service and ensure that all the necessary paperwork is completed, collated and sent to the appropriate places. This part normally take place after registration. If you prefer, we can visit you and your family at home at no extra charge.
We will contact the Vicar or other Officiant or funeral celebrant on your behalf, make the necessary arrangements with Doctors and hospitals and make all the necessary reservations for the funeral service, initially pay Cemetery fees, Church fees, Minister’s, Officiant’s or non-religious Celebrant’s fees, Doctors fees, for Newspaper notices, organist’s or musicians and any other fees as necessary.
The person making the arrangements must be the Executor or next of kin if there is no Will, or have the authority of the Executor/or next of kin. They will be responsible for all details given and payment of the Funeral.
There should only be one person giving instructions.
Items to be considered (but we will discuss these with you) are:
• Whether the funeral is to be a burial or a cremation?
• If there is to be a burial, is there an existing grave or will a new grave be required?
• Full details about the person who has died including their FULL name
(if known by another name, we will always try to use the preferred name wherever it is possible to do so), date of birth, date and time of death, address, religion, marital status and occupation (former occupation in the event that the person was retired), the name and address of their normal Doctor, where the death occurred
• Coffin, casket and urn selection
• Whether the deceased is to be dressed in his/her own clothes or a Gown which we can provide
• Where the funeral or Cremation is to be held
• Whether there will be a Religious or None religious Service
• Whether to have floral tributes or donations to a charity (these can be by cash, cheque or online via this website) or both
• Who should be informed of the death
• Whether obituary notices are required
• Full details about the person who is to act as our client for the funeral.
• Your choice of venue for the service
• When would be the best day and time for the funeral to be held subject to availability
• Do you require a particular Vicar, Officiant or Celebrant to officiate on the day?
• What music will be required, either in the form of hymns with accompanying organist or pre-recorded music?
• On the day of the funeral; where would you wish to start from or would you prefer to meet us at the Crematorium/Cemetery?
• What vehicles will you require?
• Would you prefer floral tributes from mourners or donations to a given charity; or maybe a choice or both. If donations we would be happy to collect these for you
• Would you like a notice placed in a newspapers (an Obituary Notice)
• Would you wish to have service sheets? We can advise.
• Your choice of coffin or casket
• Will you be coming to see your loved one in our Chapel of Rest prior to the funeral? (This would be by appointment)
• The final resting place of the person’s Ashes, if Cremation
Cemetery Burial
Burials can take place in a Local Authority cemetery, which will sometimes be divided into sections for different faiths and those of no faith. Different religions and cultures have developed different rites and practices for the disposal of the deceased, and these have to be considered and respected.
Churchyard Burial
Permission must be given by the person responsible for the individual Churchyard. We are happy to advise.
A cremation takes place at a Crematorium. It can occur after a Service has been held in a church or other venue or the whole Service may take place in the Crematorium Chapel. There are many options available with regard to the remains of your loved one which we will be happy to discuss with you in detail.
Everyone has different requirements and expectations of the funeral which they are arranging; every funeral is unique. Whatever you require, please discuss with us.

Golden Charter funeral plans…..A simple way to plan ahead
With nearly 1 million people planning ahead with Golden Charter, you can have peace of mind knowing your wishes will be taken care of. In fact, 92% of customers report satisfaction with the service, and 91% would recommend it to a friend.
Call H. R. Palmer now on 01843592720 Based in Ramsgate, we serve throughout the Thanet area and beyond.